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HIFK Women’s Ice hockey Elite Series Team is joining the fight against head injuries in sports

We are thrilled to announce that HIFK Women’s Ice hockey Elite Series Team is joining the fight against head injuries in sports. The newest #ACTivists are playing in Naisten Liiga in Finland, and last season were the 2nd in Finnish championships.

ACT Head Impact Trackers are introduced to the players from the beginning of 2023, as MC is acting team’s Physical trainer Joonas Lahtinen. “We are happy to get ACT Head Impact Trackers to the team. From day 1 I’m expecting them to help us to observe and follow-up events on the ice in real time, and react to them accordingly. We do not want to miss any events involving head and to be more precise on how significant the forces acting on the head are. In more long-term objective is to increase knowledge of these type of injuries and their incidence in women's ice hockey. Equally important objective is to improve the recognition and treatment for head injuries to make ice hockey more safer for the players.” Joonas says.

BIG HAND and THANK YOU to HIFK-Hockey for enabling this opportunity!” he ends, and we could not agree more.

#HIFKwomenareACTingonit #ACTheadimpacttracker #Becauseyoushouldknow

#headimpactsinsports #saynotoTBIandmore #womenagainstheadinjuriesinsports

We are inspired by #pinkconcussion